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Hey there,
my name is Gemma...
I'm an artist-maker who loves far too many creative things...

I love to learn new things...
and share the pure joy of making stuff with you!

on the blog...

If you have any questions...
about art, craft or creativity, give me a holler!

My shop is taking a short break... watch this space!

The Pen Diaries: Join the cosiest free newsletter...
Emails are so much more friendly than social media - let’s stay in touch ✨
If you are just starting your art journey, or are looking for some art-buddy community, my free Newsletter is for you. Roughly once a month I share my adventures in making stuff that makes me happy, and the things I'm learning along the way. Maybe they'll inspire you to make stuff that makes you happy too.
If you are a curious creative like me, or simply want to start fuelling your full spectrum of creativity possibilities, you have a place here - and I think we'll get on great! 💛
Gemma The Pen

Brilliant class Gemma - I thought you did a great job of explaining everything and I'm now inspired to try some printing. I hope you do some more classes on printing I will be keen to watch them- thanks!
- Kate
Skillshare, Characters in Collagraph Class

Such a stunning pin! I just had to get my hands on this as it looks so cosy and cute! It’s of such high quality and Gemma puts so much into everything she does as I seen through the packaging to the product. Loved the freebies too!! Thank you
— Claire
Etsy, Too Cosy to Be Cool Pin
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