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Skillshare is a wonderful platform where creatives from all over the world share their skills and knowledge to get you exploring all the things you can do!


I love creating classes for Skillshare - you can find my current classes below.  

Do come and join me over there!

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Printmaking Classes

Have you tried Printmaking?  Have you thought about it, but felt a bit intimidated?  Fear not!  Printmaking is open to all, and is a super handy area for beginner artists to explore.  From Collagraph to Drypoint, and Monotype to Linocut, there are printmaking processes which can absolutely be achieved at home!

Swoosh That Ink!  Easy Reductive Monotype Printmaking for Beginners

Reductive Monotype is a great beginner-friendly printmaking method which can be done at home.  The structure of it is simple - roll down some ink, take some of that ink away, press paper onto the ink that is left and see what results you get!


>> Yes please, I wanna try it!

Mindful Miniatures in Drypoint | Beginners Printmaking Without a Press

In this class we combine the joys of miniature art with the satisfactions of drypoint printmaking, to create our own mindful design, drypoint plate and print.  Whether you are a complete beginner to printmaking, or are simply exploring a fresh direction for your art, I hope you will find a little pocket of creative calm in this class.


>> Yes, this sounds like my vibe!

Expansive Landscapes | Collagraph Printmaking at Home for Beginners

I love landscapes, don’t you? Looking out onto an expansive vista, feeling the world stretching out from where you stand…it’s pretty inspiring. In creating my first landscape in collagraph, I found I could really invest myself in it. Crafting the landscape in your hands - it takes the view in a completely new direction!


>> Yup, take me to it!

Creating Characters in Collagraph | Beginners Printmaking at Home

If you are anything like me, you might have found the idea of collage daunting.  So many textures and materials to choose from! But when I started to use collage in a more figurative way it became far more accessible to me.  I hope this class helps you to explore printmaking and find out what kinds of collage bring you joy.


>> Ohh, yes, this sounds like fun!

More Classes

I love trying lots of different things and, while I started with creating classes on Printmaking, there are other things I'd love to share too...

Unleash your creativity and explore vibrant colours in this playful marker art class! We'll draw inspiration from stained glass windows, creating joyful compositions within a structured "window" format. This beginner-friendly class is perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with colour and explore a more graphic style. 


>> Yup, I'm intrigued, show me more...

Oil pastels are a lot of fun to draw with - but I didn't find that out straightaway.  They only clicked for me when I started using them on black paper - and all of a sudden a whole rainbow of possibility opened up!  In this class I take you through my way of drawing animals with pastels, working from dark to light, and using whatever colours take our fancy!


>> I wanna draw a Critter!

Revisit/Revitalise | Using Old Artworks for Creative Play

Old artworks - which may have seemed to originally miss the mark - are great to revisit later on.  They can become excellent playgrounds for creative bravery.


This class is about digging out our past unfinished or unloved artworks, and looking at them with fresh eyes.  From stitching, to colouring and collaging, we will be exploring some easy ideas for re-invigorating our old artwork and broadening our creative possibilities.


>> I have old stuff, tell me more...

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